Everyday Solutions for Osteoarthritis
Arthritis pain can be disabling, a challenge and a lifestyle that limits and in some cases keeps a person housebound. Arthritis can also limit the amount of activities you can do at home, when driving, when running errands and when socializing.
Arthritis pain, such as with osteoarthritis, can be dealt with but it requires medication, physical therapy and a positive attitude. Because any kind of pain can cause depression, anxiety and other mental disabilities, it needs to be approached from a vantage point of positive thinking and positive action.
There are several important things you can do that will help ease the pain of arthritis such as exercise. Exercise or stretching exercises should be done in between "bouts of arthritis pain and swelling." One effective way to lower the pain of arthritis is by walking. Some suggest to begin walking 30 minutes three times a week and then gradually adding on a day or two during the week. Walking will strengthen your joints in your legs and keeps the pain away a bit longer. It is also helpful to do some light weight training to bring more strength into your arms and hands. Losing weight is also helpful because it lowers the pain that comes from arthritis attacks.
In addition, it is also important to take time out to relax. When you find that your knees are hurting or your fingers are hurting from overdoing, it is time to stop. Many have found heating pads helpful in reducing pain from arthritis.
Keep in mind, that a cane or a walker can also help with arthritis pain. They can bring relief from pain and keep you mobile. These devices can be purchased at a health and wellness store or from a pharmacy.
It is important to note also that if you have a day where you have a lot of physical labor to do such as housework, taking care of the lawn or other activities that require physical strength, interrupt the work at times with rest. When you plan out a day that is physically active with interruptions of rest and relaxation, you will do better and will have less stress.
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